
New Outgoing Feed:

iDashboardNewFeed-01iDashboard welcomes to our family of portal sites that we upload properties too.

Juwai’s Mission

Our mission is to empower our Chinese-speaking consumers with the most comprehensive list of property listings, news features, market analysis and property buying guides to assist them in making informed and educated decisions about purchasing overseas property.

Who Are We? is where Chinese find international property.

Juwai, which means “home overseas”, is visited by thousands of Chinese buyers each day from over 403 cities throughout China, as well as major Chinese communities in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.

For our customers, we strive to be at the forefront of innovation of products and services, which assist them in growing their business by gaining exposure to Chinese buyers – the largest international property buying force.

Juwai introduced the first global platform to engage Chinese buyers in 2011. We pioneered global property Mandarin Mapping, international real estate data information in Chinese, and advanced property search in China.

The site is the largest and most authoritative source for global property in Chinese, with over 2.5 million property listings spanning 89 countries, with over 18,000 current news stories, country buying guides, education and emigration articles, along with the largest Chinese social media community focused on international property.

Juwai’s international operations are located in Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China), whilst the China operations are run from Shanghai and Guangzhou (People’s Republic of China).

Get Behind The Firewall

Websites not hosted in China can be blocked entirely or experience page load times of over 2 minutes. Hosted in China, gets you behind the Great Firewall and in front of an exclusive audience of Chinese buyers.

This information has been sourced from

To send your properties through to from iDashboard, simply setup an account with them at and they will contact us to activate your property feed.

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