Personal brand

An A to Z Guide to Personal Branding

Personal brandA powerful personal brand helps you influence and impact people, whether you impact them by helping them find the home of their dreams or influence the way they think about property buying and investment. As a real estate agent, you want to establish a credible personal brand that is true to the message and person you want to portray.

An effective personal brand strategy has many benefits, including:

  1. Increase in clients
  2. Opportunities for leadership
  3. Beneficial partnerships
  4. High brand loyalty
  5. Higher perception of industry leader
  6. Increased credibility
  7. Brand recognition
  8. Higher value

Use this A to Z guide as a strategy to help you improve your personal brand:


Be true to who you are. If you try to copy someone else, you’ll just be a second-rate version of the original. Discover what makes you unique and build your brand based on those capabilities and strengths. Be the authentic you.


An easy-to-navigate website is the engine that runs your brand. Your blog is the fuel for that engine. If you haven’t already started a blog, start one. Once you do, blog consistently, produce great content, and you’ll achieve greater reach and impact.


Valuable content attracts people. It’s magnetic. It compels them to read more from you and to learn more about you. Create a mix of valuable content to earn the trust that your brand needs. It will help you create mindshare or consumer awareness about your services. When people think of real estate, you want them to think of you!

D—Define Audience

Define the pain points of your audience and how you can help them. Surveys are useful. Listen to your audience and figure out what problems they have and what it is they’re looking for. Define your audience and focus on their needs, not what you perceive their needs to be.

E—Email List

Email is your number one way to reach your audience. It’s private and permission-based. Make it a priority to develop an email list and use it.


Wishy-washy brands that don’t stand for anything or that are too mixed vanish. Define a focused niche, so you can connect with the minds and hearts of those you want to influence.

G—Graphic Design

Everything that you put out should be congruent with your brand. Develop an attractive logo, accurate color palette, and design standards that reflect your brand.

H—Help Others

Find ways to be helpful and intentional. Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you, create opportunities. Be quick to advocate for a meaningful cause, volunteer, or connect with people.


Surround yourself with people who are smarter and further ahead than you are. Influential people surround themselves with leaders, and find ways to be of value to them.


Find groups online or in person that you’d love to get involved with or would be proud to be a part of. Affiliations help you grow, improve, and strengthen your brand.


When people search, you want them to find you. Create a list of targeted keywords and use them often on your web pages and in your content.


LinkedIn is the prominent social media network in the professional world. Take it seriously and learn how to successfully use it.


Media is vital, but it’s also complex and overwhelming for some. Determine what “channels” are the most effective in your field and use them to promote your brand.


Connect with others globally, regionally, and locally. Have something of value to distribute and follow through with any promises you make.


Don’t be afraid to upset someone or disturb something. You don’t need universal appeal. Voice your opinion, take a stand, and be bold. No one stands out when they don’t stand for something—they’re just perceived as bland.


In order for people to make a personal connection with you, you need to have a photo on your website and across all social media channels.


Ask questions and listen closely. Ask people to tell you their stories and their ideas, but make sure you listen.


Recognise, both publicly and personally, every person who has played a part in your success or growth. You are not going to achieve your goals on your own, so thank the people who help you.


Develop a clear and memorable slogan that fits your brand. Your brand should tie into the promise you make and your slogan should adequately confirm that promise.


Often the people you admire are the ones who taught you. They may have taught you valuable lessons or strategies, they may have become a trusted advisor. Commit to teaching and passing on the lessons you have learned. You’ll build your brand by becoming a trusted advisor yourself.

U—Understand Triggers

Strong brands understand what triggers people, and emotions trigger people. Don’t focus on intellectual arguments. Learn about psychology and the way your target audience thinks and behaves.


It’s true that people remember how you make them feel more than what you say. How you say something is more important than what you say. Develop an authentic voice that’s true to your brand.

W—Win Friends and Influence People

“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie is coined a manual for how to understand influence. Read it, reread it, and win new friends.


Use Google Analytics and other online analytical tools to understand how many visitors you’re getting to your site. It’ll help you break down page views, where your traffic is coming from, and help you improve your performance.


Writing emotively is done by writing in a first person, conversational tone. The reader is “you”; you are “I.”


Zeal is an “enthusiasm that makes a person determined to do something.” You have to have zeal to build a brand that connects with your customers.

Your personal brand already exists. People already think of you in a certain way and you are already behaving in a certain way. You don’t have to be boastful or distasteful in order to promote your personal brand.

Personal branding is merely a way to communicate with people before you meet them. Your personal brand describes who you are and what you want to be known for. Use this A to Z guide to start building your personal brand and telling the story you want to tell.

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